The Year was 1986

We'll start if off.  Then we want to know what YOU remember about 1986...or any of your years at NHS.

~Top Gun was the top grossing film in the land and Tom Cruise wasn't yet jumping on couches.

~Ferris Bueller taught us all how to skip school.  "Bueller....Bueller...."

~We were rocking to Rock Me Amadeus and Whitney Houston was singing about the Greatest Love of All.

~The Chicago Bears beat the New England Patriots in the Super Bowl with a score of 46-10.  (Seriously???)

~David Letterman wowed us with his first Top Ten List. (No confirmation on whether or not Miss Ewing was also wowed.)

~The first Farm Aid concert was broadcast.

~Elmo joined Sesame Street.

~Bobby Ewing stepped out of a year long shower on Dallas.

~Oprah Winfrey went national and eventually took over the world.

~'Captain Midnight' interrupts HBO's feed.

~The space shuttle Challenger explodes on liftoff and brings a nation to tears.

~We are all watching Miami Vice, Family Ties and The Cosby Show.

~The first pc virus "Brain" begins to spread.

~Pixar animation studios is opened.

~June 4, 1986....the North High School class of 1986 graduates.

What do you remember?  Leave your memories in the comments below.....

1 comment:

  1. The year was 1986 and evidently mullets were all the rage! I've been looking at our yearbook photos a lot as I work on the reunion and it was either a mullet or big hair. Oh my!
